Short and long walk from Tring

Short and long walk from Tring

Map Unavailable

Sun 11th February 2024
All Day

Helen & Stewart


On the 11th February there will be two walks available a 9km and a 18km both starting from the Natural History Museum car park in Tring HP23 6AR. If you are planning to walk you should send an WhatsApp  to STAG Meets & Greets indicating which outing you are joining and arrive at 9.45am so we can start at 10.00am.

The 9 km outing will be led by Helen and will go through the park and up to Wigginton – coffee in the community shop – it’s outside seating and then back to one of the coffee shops in Tring.

The 18km outing will be led by Stewart and follow good footpaths through open countryside and woods on a circular route stopping halfway round at the café in Wendover Woods. After returning to Tring it is planned to rehydrate at The Castle Inn pub.