About the St Albans Adventure Group
Formerly known as the St. Albans and District Local YHA Group, the St. Albans Adventure Group has been active since 1949. We are a very friendly and sociable club for people interested in outdoor activities. We have around 50 members with wide ranging interests including walking, cycling, climbing, skiing and photography to name just a few. The group is run by a committee elected in October each year.
Trips away
Weekend trips are organised most months. These visit all parts of the UK (such as the Peak District, Yorkshire, Wales and Lake District) with accommodation usually in youth hostels, bunk houses or B&B’s. We also have occasional camping weekends and trips abroad.

Social events
Every Wednesday we have a social evening, which may be a talk from an invited speaker, games/sports, or an evening walk.
Our indoor events are at the United Reform Church hall, Homewood Road, St Albans AL1 4BH starting at 8 pm. New members are always welcome. For a map showing the location of the hall, click here. Afterwards we can usually be found in a local pub: please contact us to discover the current favourite.
For more information, see our FAQ.
If you have any questions, send email to enquiries@stalbansadventuregroup.org.uk.