Hello, Mum

How to Keep in Touch with your Parents

By Jon Hill


Ring! Ring!
“Hello Mum, you O.K.? Can I speak to Dad?”
“I’ll just get him.”
“Hello Dad, you O.K.? Don’t tell Mum, but I’m going caving/climbing/abseiling/paragliding/skiing/ice-climbing (delete as appropriate).
“You be careful.”
”I will. Bye, speak again soon.”


Ring! Ring!
“Hello Mum, did you have a ——“
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going caving/climbing/abseiling/paragliding/skiing/ice-climbing (delete as appropriate).
“Well, I didn’t want you to worry. Anyway, it’s all perfectly safe. Is Dad there?”
“Hi Dad, don’t tell Mum, but I nearly came a cropper this weekend.”
“You be careful.”
“I will. Bye, speak again soon.”

Later same evening

Ring! Ring!
“Hi Mum, what’s the ——“
“Why didn’t you tell me ——“
“Well, I didn’t want you to worry.”

A few weeks later

Ring! Ring!
“Hello Mum, can I speak to Dad? ——

Copyright (c) 2009 St. Albans Adventure Group. This article was first published in the group magazine Stagger in December 1992.